Agricultural tax is levied on land. In fact, it is a kind of property tax. As soon as the tea-things were cleared away, she fetched out the stuff. 针对土地征收的农业税费实质上是针对土地财产征收的财产税。茶具刚收拾停当,她就拿出针线活。
Tax official: to get and fill in the application form, and present the prescribed materials according to different kind of enterprise. 税务局:领取并填写申请表。此外,根据不同的经济类型提交不同的资料。
Income tax accounting problem in the kind of current norm of our country has not involved enterprise's amalgamating basically. 现行规范中基本未涉及更谈不上对企业合并中的所得税会计问题。
They were used for banquets, gifts, tributes, commodities and tax paid in kind. 它们不仅是较为重要的宴请、赠送、上贡物品,也是为一种重要的实物税和商品。
The social security tax is uses in to collect the social security to need fund one kind of tax or tax revenue form paying for, is already used by many countries and the main method which rises as the social security fund. 社会保障税是用于筹集社会保障所需资金的一种税或税收形式的缴款,现已被许多国家所采用并作为社会保障资金筹措的主要手段。
During the division of tax powers, the writer continuously is using the special word Arrangement but Division written in many literature, because the writer is thinking the tax powers as a kind of source with the features as scarcity or limitedness. 在税权划分问题上,本文采用配置二字,而非多数文献中提到的划分,是因为本文认为税权也是一种资源,同样具有资源的稀缺性或有限性。
Chapter one introduces the general situation of feudal land tax collect in kind in Sichuan before the Sino-Japanese War. 第一章主要介绍了抗战前四川田赋征收概况,即四川耕地面积和田赋征收情况。
Capital gains taxation as an important tax in stock market adopted by lots of countries is a kind of tax which taxes revenue realized through equity trading. 股票资本利得税是对纳税人在股票交易过程中实现的收益征收的一种税。作为股票市场的一个重要税种,目前已经被许多国家所采用。
The government did not change the monetary policy. They just made the equivalent silver instead of the transportation of tax in kind from south to north. 政府始终没有改变其货币政策,而只是以等价的白银取代原先的实物税收从南至北的运输。
The process of tax levy, in fact, is a kind of redistribution of various economic benefits. In the tax collection activities, due to both the tax leviers and the tax payers pursue their own utility maximization, there is a game. 税收征收的过程,实际上是各个经济利益的一种重新分配,在税收征纳关系中,由于税收征纳双方的各自的利益最大化不同,导致在税收征纳过程中,双方存在着博弈。
However, tax evasion is common throughout the world, and in the present economic activity it is a kind of frequent common lawbreaking behavior without no effective control over it. 然而,偷税这种行为在全世界范围内都普遍存在,它是目前经济活动中比较常见的一种违法违规行为,而且一直以来都仍未得到有效控制。